Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Monday Joel and I celebrated our one year anniversary! We both are amazed at how fast our first year of marriage went. We celebrated by going out for a wonderful dinner, and eating the top of our wedding cake! It was still VERY good :o) We were going to see a movie, but opted out of spending the $20 on one movie, and used a gift card to circuit city that we had and bought 6 movies instead! We thought it was a pretty good trade off. A fun little part of the day was that it was only 12 degrees here, which was the exact same temperature as on our wedding day!
A lot has happened in the past year. We bought a house, I moved to the east coast, Joel switched jobs, we found out we are having a baby...lots of big stuff happened! We hope that not every year goes by as fast as this one did.
This next year will be pretty exciting too as we welcome our little boy! I am now 33 weeks along, with only 7 left to go! I am becoming more and more anxious to not be pregnant any more. Although it is very fun to feel him kicking and moving around inside, I'm becoming weary of being so nauseous and of all the aches and pains. My days are not very busy right now, which although is nice because it allows me to get a lot of rest, but it really doesn't help pass the time! The baby room is gradually coming together. Joel has been working on all the electric, and once that is done things will move a lot faster.
The weather has been crazy here the past two days. Yesterday it snowed all day!! I was really excited you see, because unlike Milwaukee, we have only had about 3 small snowfalls. I don't even know how many inches of snow my family has had dumped on them this winter! But sadly, today it POURED all day, leaving just icy slush everywhere. The parking lot behind our house always fills up with water. My creative neighbor built a barrier to keep the water from flooding into his yard. It works great unless we get a lot of rain, then it all runs into our yard, and back into theirs. Today both yards were a few inches underwater. We'll see if our sad little grass even comes up this next year!!
Well, dinner is ready, so I should run! I miss and love you all!

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