Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Happy Birthday Elijah!

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Elijah, you are 5 today!


I'm torn between feeling like you have grown up overnight, and feeling like you have always been a part of my life.

You are my first born, my first boy. We have had lots of firsts together. After all, you did make me mommy for the first time.

Your infectious belly laugh brightens the worst of days and your silly sense of humor is enjoyed by all of us, especially your siblings. 

You are a great big brother.  

Jude thinks you are the best and wants to do everything his cool big brother does. Trains, trains and more trains.

You are Ella's best friend. She looks up to you so much. I love how you two love to sleep near each other. Buddies, for sure.

I love how you tell me how much you love me every day. "Fifty ten hundred, twenty one eighty, five gazillion twenty, to the moon and back." 

You love riding your bike, playing legos, building forts and playing with your buddy next door. You love to help me bake, play hide and go seek, and of course, playing with any type of train,

You are my dishwasher unloader, my big helper, my most ticklish, and the best "I spy-er."

You have such a big heart for those around you. 

You love to learn about how the world works. 

I love you, Elijah.

I am thankful for you every single day. 

Tonight, you told me that you love me even more than I love you.

Your daddy told you that you were, in fact, incorrect, that mommy loves you more than you can even imagine. That mommy thinks about you more than anybody on this earth thinks about you.

And he's right. 

I LOVE you more than you know. To the moon and back, kid. 

Happy Birthday!


Mom said...

That....says it all!

Unknown said...

I love your blog!

Leah said...

This was precious, brought tears to my eyes! It's been so fun watching your family grow :)