Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Big News

Since I think everybody already knows, (I sincerely hope nobody is hearing this for the first time on my blog), but....I'm pregnant! I want to start blogging about ALL the new things going on in our life, and since this is the biggest thing right now, I will be posting things about the baby and how we are doing!

I'm in my 13th week now, and am feeling SO much better! (That's saying a lot considering I have a cold right now, just got over the flu AND a sinus infection!) My "all day" sickness is almost gone now, and my motivation for everything is back. We will hear the heartbeat at my next appointment!

Speaking of babies, my neighbor and friend just welcomed a new little boy into their home! He is probably the most beautiful baby I have EVER seen. We are so excited for them.

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